How To Apply Lime To Your Lawn


Lush, green lawns aren't just a dream—they're a reality with proper care and maintenance. If you're a homeowner in Texas looking to rejuvenate your lawn, applying lime can work wonders. Lime helps balance soil acidity, promotes nutrient absorption, and enhances overall grass health. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you achieve that vibrant lawn you've always wanted.

What Is Lawn Lime?

Lawn lime, also known as agricultural lime or garden lime, is a soil amendment used to raise the pH levels of acidic soils. It is typically composed of calcium carbonate (calcitic lime) or a mixture of calcium carbonate and magnesium carbonate (dolomitic lime). This fine, white powder or granular substance is spread over lawns to neutralize soil acidity, improve nutrient availability, and promote healthier grass growth.

Lawn lime can be purchased at a local garden center or nursery, at home improvement or farm supply stores, agricultural co-ops, or through online retailers.

What Are The Benefits of Adding Liming?

Lime is primarily used to adjust soil pH levels. Soil pH affects nutrient availability to plants. Most turfgrasses prefer a slightly acidic to neutral pH range (around 6.0 to 7.0). In regions where soils are naturally acidic, such as many parts of the southern United States including Texas, lime helps to raise the pH towards a more neutral level. This adjustment allows grass roots to more effectively absorb essential nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium from the soil.

 Aside from balancing the soil, the benefits of liming your lawn include:

  • Reducing Aluminum Toxicity: Lime application lowers aluminum toxicity in acidic soils, promoting better lawn health.
  • Promoting Disease Resistance: Maintaining proper pH with lime helps reduce susceptibility to turfgrass diseases.
  • Improving Soil Structure: Lime encourages soil particle aggregation, enhancing drainage and root development.
  • Enhancing Grass Growth: Overall, lime creates optimal conditions for denser, more vigorous turf growth.

How Do I Know If I Should Apply Lime To My Lawn?

You can determine if you need to apply lime to your lawn by considering the following indicators:

  1. Soil pH Test: Conduct a soil pH test using a home testing kit or by sending a soil sample to a local agricultural extension service. Lawns generally thrive in slightly acidic to neutral soil (pH around 6.0 to 7.0). If your soil pH is below 6.0, it may be too acidic for optimal grass growth, indicating a potential need for lime.
  2. Yellowing or Stunted Growth: Grass that appears yellowish or shows stunted growth despite adequate watering and fertilizing may indicate nutrient deficiencies due to acidic soil. Lime can help correct these issues by balancing pH and improving nutrient availability.
  3. Moss Growth: Excessive moss growth in your lawn can signal acidic soil conditions. Moss thrives in low-pH environments where grass may struggle to compete. Applying lime can help create conditions more favorable for grass growth and reduce moss presence.
  4. Frequent Weed Problems: Acidic soil can contribute to weed growth, as certain weeds thrive in these conditions (such as moss, sorrel, plantain, dandelions, and clover) while grass may struggle. Balancing soil pH with lime can help reduce weed infestations by promoting healthier grass growth.
  5. Previous Soil History: If your lawn has a history of poor growth despite regular maintenance or if previous soil tests indicated acidity, applying lime could be beneficial.

Regularly monitoring your lawn's health and conducting periodic soil tests, especially in early spring or fall, will help you determine if lime application is necessary to maintain a healthy and vibrant lawn.

How To Choose the Right Type of Lime

Choosing the right type of lime for your soil type depends on several factors, primarily the current pH of your soil and any specific nutrient deficiencies. Here’s how to decide:

  1. Soil pH Test: Conduct a soil pH test using a home testing kit or through your local agricultural extension service. This will determine whether your soil is more acidic or alkaline.
  2. Calcitic Lime: Use calcitic lime if your soil is acidic and lacks magnesium. It's effective in raising pH levels quickly and is suitable for most Texas soils.
  3. Dolomitic Lime: Choose dolomitic lime if your soil is both acidic and deficient in magnesium. This type of lime raises pH gradually while providing magnesium essential for plant growth.
  4. Pelletized Lime: Opt for pelletized lime for easier application, especially on residential lawns. It reduces dust and ensures even coverage, making it convenient for smaller areas.
  5. Application Considerations: Consider the size of your lawn, ease of application, and environmental factors when selecting the type of lime. Pelletized lime is often preferred for its convenience, while powdered forms may be more economical for larger areas.

By selecting the right type of lime based on your soil’s specific needs, you can effectively improve soil pH, enhance nutrient availability, and promote healthier grass growth across your Texas lawn.

How Much Lime Should I Add To My Lawn?

Determining how much lime to apply to your yard depends on several factors, primarily the current pH of your soil and the type of lime you are using. Here’s a general guideline to help you calculate the application rate:

  • Calcitic Lime: If using calcitic lime, which contains calcium carbonate, apply around 50-100 pounds per 1,000 square feet to raise pH by one unit.
  • Dolomitic Lime: For dolomitic lime, which contains both calcium carbonate and magnesium carbonate, apply around 100-150 pounds per 1,000 square feet to achieve the same pH adjustment.
  • Pelletized Lime: For pelletized lime, follow package instructions as rates may vary, typically applied similarly to powdered forms for even distribution.

To determine how many pounds of lime you need, measure your lawn area in square feet. Divide the total amount of lime needed (based on the desired pH adjustment) by 1,000 to determine how much lime to apply per square foot.

When Should I Apply Lime To My Turf?

The best time to apply lime is in early spring or fall. These seasons are optimal for applying lime when grass is actively growing. Avoid applying during hot, dry periods or when the ground is frozen.

You should apply lime to your lawn:

  1. After Soil Testing: Conduct a soil pH test to determine the current acidity levels. Ideally, apply lime when the pH falls below the optimal range for grass growth (around 6.0 to 7.0).
  2. Before Seeding or Fertilizing: Lime can be applied before seeding new grass or applying fertilizer to ensure nutrients are readily available to newly established or existing grass.
  3. Every 2-3 Years: As a general guideline, applying lime every 2-3 years helps maintain optimal soil pH levels and supports long-term lawn health.
  4. When Incorporating into Soil: If you're planning major lawn renovations or aerating, it's beneficial to incorporate lime into the soil to improve distribution and effectiveness.

By timing lime application correctly, you can effectively balance soil pH, enhance nutrient availability, and promote healthier grass growth throughout the growing season.

How Do I Apply Lime To My Lawn?

To apply lime to your Texas lawn effectively, follow these steps:

1. Prepare Your Lawn

Before you start, mow your grass to a moderate height before applying lime. Remove leaves, sticks, and other debris from the lawn to ensure even distribution of lime.

2. Calculate the Amount of Lime

  • Refer to Soil Test Results: Use soil test results to determine the amount of lime needed based on your lawn size and current pH levels.
  • Follow Recommendations: Follow recommendations on the lime package or from your soil test for proper application rates.

3. Choose Your Application Method

Depending on the size of your lawn and the type of lime you use, consider using:

  • Broadcast Spreader: For larger lawns, use a broadcast spreader, also known as a rotary spreader, to evenly distribute lime across the entire lawn.
  • Hand Spreader: For smaller areas or precise application, a hand-held spreader can be used.
  • Drop Spreader: Ideal for precise application over smaller areas, a drop spreader releases granular substances like lime evenly through a series of controlled openings directly onto the ground below.

4. Apply the Lime

Start spreading lime in one direction across your lawn, ensuring even coverage. Walk at a steady pace to avoid overlapping or leaving gaps. Slightly overlap each pass to ensure uniform distribution of lime.

5. Watering In

Immediately after applying lime, lightly water your lawn. This helps the lime particles settle into the soil and begin to work effectively. Apply approximately 1 inch of water within 24 hours of lime application to aid in activation.

By following these steps, you can effectively apply lime to your Texas lawn, promoting optimal soil pH levels and supporting healthier grass growth throughout the season.

What To Do After You Apply Lime

After applying lime to your lawn in Texas, here are the key steps to follow:

  1. Monitor Soil Moisture: Check soil moisture levels regularly, especially in the days following lime application. Ensure the soil remains consistently moist but not waterlogged.
  2. Observation: Monitor your lawn over the next few weeks for any changes in grass growth, color, or health. Lime typically takes some time to fully react with the soil and begin affecting pH levels.
  3. Continue Regular Lawn Care: Maintain your regular lawn care routine, including mowing, watering, and fertilizing as needed. Proper lawn maintenance supports the overall health and resilience of your grass.
  4. Re-evaluate if Necessary: If you continue to experience issues with soil acidity or nutrient uptake, consider re-testing your soil pH after a few months. Adjust lime application as recommended based on the new test results.
  5. Plan for Future Applications: Depending on your soil conditions and the results of soil tests, plan for future applications of lime every 2-3 years to maintain optimal soil pH levels and support long-term lawn health.

By following these post-application steps, you can ensure that the lime effectively balances soil pH, improves nutrient availability, and promotes healthier growth for your Texas lawn.


Transforming your Texas lawn with lime application is a proactive step towards achieving a healthier, greener yard. By understanding soil needs, choosing the right type of lime, and applying it correctly, you'll foster optimal conditions for lush grass growth. Follow these steps, and watch your lawn thrive year-round.

Ready to revitalize your lawn? Start today with these expert tips and enjoy the benefits of a vibrant, resilient Texas turf! If you have questions or are interested in professional lime treatments, don't hesitate to contact our team today. With over 23, our team offers a wide variety of lawn services to ensure healthy lawns.

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