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Lawn Care in Garland, TX

Maintaining a healthy lawn is hard work and hardly ever a one-size-fits-all situation. At LawnLab, we take a highly customizable approach specific to the unique needs of lawn care in Plano, Garland, and other areas of Texas. Our lawn care program includes seasonal treatments and monitoring to catch potential problems and keep your turf healthy from the start.

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When you trust us with your lawn, you can expect:

  • Two pre and post-emergence treatments to control winter annuals and weeds.
  • Four lawn fertilization & weed control applications during late spring & summer.
  • Two more pre-emergence treatments in the fall for winter weed control.
  • Insect and lawn disease monitoring with every treatment.
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Main Office

2809 Capital St., Ste 300
M-F: 8:00am - 5:00pm
SAT: Closed
SUN: Closed
LawnLab Service Area Map

Weed Control in Garland, TX

Weeds aren’t only unsightly, but they compete with your grass for water, sunshine, and nutrients. If weeds start to crowd out your grass, your turf may become thin and sparse thanks to the contest for resources beneath the surface.

At LawnLab, we believe you don’t have to put up with weeds. Our weed control treatments:

  • Use regular application of weed control that targets weeds without sacrificing grass.
  • Can protect from weeds year-round with seasonal applications
  • Can include a special kind of RoundUp that kills weeds at their roots

Take advantage of our weed control services in Garland today for a lawn that is not only better looking but much healthier, too.

Lawn Aeration in Garland, TX

Weeds aren’t the only reason your grass is fighting for nourishment. Soil compaction can constrain the flow of water and nutrients to the roots of your turf, resulting in sparse, yellowing grass that’s less resistant to disease. Lawn aeration is the best way to renew your lawn from the inside out. Traditional aeration includes pulling up pieces of soil to let your lawn breathe. LawnLab uses a less invasive liquid aeration method that provides the same incredible benefits without tearing up your yard.

Our liquid lawn aeration services:

  • Nourishes your lawn with essential nutrients.
  • Includes enzymes and bacteria that break up patches of thatch.
  • Uses a special formula that is gentle on your lawn but penetrates through soil.

If you’re noticing grass that is growing thin and discolored, liquid aeration may be just what you need. LawnLab can apply aeration at the optimal times for your lawn so that you can enjoy healthy grass all year long. 

5 Star Review

Thanks to Sean C., my lawn is the best looking one on the block. Dark green without weeds, the only way I like it. Highly recommend those guys.

Jose Bernal
5 Star Review

Very professional did a great job noticeable difference in the first three months!!

Allen Tuell Jr.
5 Star Review

My technician (Jay) does a wonderful job. He treats my lawn fully and doesn’t miss anything. Very professional.

Sven Golly
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