How To Tell If You Have Lawn Grubs

Texas lawns have a lot to contend with, from fire ants to drought. But, unfortunately, there’s one especially elusive pest. They lurk beneath the surface of the grass, and you may not realize you have a pest problem until there’s lots of damage. This pest is none other than the grub. We’ll show you how to identify signs of grub damage and why these annoying critters destroy our lawns.
Signs Of Lawn Grubs
Animal Activity
Texas is home to a variety of small animals that sometimes make an appearance on our lawn. This is nothing out of the ordinary. If, however, you notice birds, possums, raccoons, armadillos, or skunks in greater numbers, it could be a sign of a grub problem. That’s because these animals will tear up your turfgrass to get to the grubs beneath. If the grub damage alone wasn’t bad enough, this activity will certainly destroy your lawn and is salt in the wound.
Damaged Turfgrass Roots
This is the crux of the problem. Grubs are so detrimental to our lawns because they feed on the roots of the grass. As they do so, the stalks above the surface will turn brown and die off. The problem is: brown grass could have a variety of causes. Drought, disease, and poor nutrient levels can all affect the color of the grass. When you notice this happening, you might give the turfgrass extra water or apply fertilizer expecting the grass to bounce back. But if the cause of the issue is grubs, these treatments won’t affect the health of the grass, and in the meantime, the grubs will continue to munch away on your grass. With this particular symptom of grub damage, you should take into consideration the other factors we discuss. A brown lawn without other symptoms could very well be a thirsty lawn that just needs extra water. But if you notice brown grass in addition to animal activity, it might be time to get a grub control application.
Poor Root Strength
When grass is healthy, it has a robust root system that makes pulling it out of the ground difficult. When grubs are present in your lawn, they affect the integrity of the root system. With fewer roots to hold the grass to the earth, your lawn will become loose like a freshly placed sod roll. In fact, if the grass has extensive damage, you might be able to roll it back easily. You should be able to see the white grubs lurking beneath the surface.
Texture Change
A healthy lawn will absorb rainfall. If there isn’t enough grass to do this, rainwater will run off the lawn and erode the earth. This creates uneven areas in your lawn. Another clue that indicates a grub problem is spongy turf. Your grass should have some give to it when you walk across it, but if it feels like you’re walking on something squishy, that’s not a good sign.
What Do Grubs Look Like?
You likely won’t see grubs unless you go digging since they live beneath the surface. They are the larvae of Japanese beetles and are white in color with brown heads. Up to one inch in length, they look a bit like caterpillars. Their parents, the adult beetles, deposit their eggs beneath the surface of the soil so when they hatch and turn into grubs, they can use the roots of your turfgrass as food. When these grubs reach adulthood, they no longer look like caterpillars and instead look like beetles with metallic green heads and bodies. The adult beetles will dine on the grass above the surface while their larvae destroy it from below, which is why being proactive and calling your pest control service is so important.
Grubs and their adult parents create a two-front battleground for your grass, and if you don’t do something about it, you could have extensive lawn damage. Unfortunately, many homeowners don’t realize that the garden-variety beetles they see are actually producing the dreaded lawn grubs. Our experts will help you identify if you’ve got a grub problem on your hands.
Get Grub Control In North Texas
For 20 years, the professionals at Lawn Lab have helped rescue lawns in North Texas from the hungry jaws of grubs. If you suspect you have a grub problem, don’t hesitate to give us a call. Our grub control treatment will swiftly eradicate these annoying critters without harming your grass, trees, shrubs, or flower beds. We can easily add a grub control treatment to your existing lawn care program or as a stand-alone treatment.
Speak with an expert grub control technician today! Call (972) 284-0704 or leave us a message on our online form.